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Citizen-Z Cavan Young's 2004 film about the zamboni crisis





May 11, 2021, from Deborah

They did say that our numbers (hospitalizations & ICU) are going down slower than they had predicted. However, ICU numbers are typically framed in terms of “free capacity” - they would like a minimum of 20% free capacity. We dipped below that number during the past few months, but now we have reached the magic 20% again. During the press conference today, they said that number is important to be able to respond to “large accidents or catastrophes”. Interestingly it turns out the large main hospital in Stockholm - Karolinska - has now closed their covid ICU and will dedicate the space/resources to dealing with a backlog of surgeries.

Late last year all businesses were told to measure their area, divide by 10 square meters per person, and put a sign on the door of maximum capacity of people. I’ve only had a problem once - my favourite wool store allows 3 customers at a time, and yeah, it is more a social venue than a shop, so I’ve been literally "caught out in the cold” while someone chatted away (including showing photos) about their grandchildren 🙃. A store that gets HUGE queues is the liquor store (state controlled), the line-ups can go for blocks on Friday nights, but my son tells me it moves quickly. Masks, in Sweden, are always optional :-)

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Content last modified on May 17, 2021, at 03:26 AM EST