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Vivienne Smietano to Councillor Ana Bailao, cc to the Star

I am emailing because I won’t be able to attend the meeting on February 6 because of health issues. However, I want to make sure that my concerns are part of that discussion. I know the Rink House is the major discussion point and I am sure you will have many people there to speak to it. However, I was very dismayed to hear that a ramp at the south west corner of the park by the bus-stop is not up for consideration and the absolutely filthy and disgusting field house washrooms aren’t also included.

RAMP: It has amazed me that a Health and Safety Inspector has never mandated that a ramp should be constructed here and I think the City has been extremely fortunate that there hasn’t been a bad accident which has resulted in a law suit. These stairs are the only direct entrance to this point in the park from the extremely busy lower Dufferin Bus stop and the south exit from the Dufferin Mall. I have exited the Mall here many times, often pushing a grandchild in a stroller or a shopping cart. Attempting to push either down the make-shift bumpy dirt ramp at the side of the stairs is dangerous but to try to manoeuvre them down the stairs is also extremely hard. There is no way you could use a walker or push a wheelchair down. THIS SHOULD BE A NUMBER ONE PRIORITY IN THE PARK before the renewed Rink Club House.

FIELD HOUSE WASHROOMS: Absolutely disgusting and shameful that these are the only washrooms within at least running distance from an incredibly busy children’s playground that attracts people from all over the city. I raced over with my 5 year old granddaughter to confront peeling damp brick walls, a soaking wet floor, mold and filthy toilets. We immediately exited to find a tree for her to pee against. I have never taken her back to the washroom. So right now you have children peeing and pooing all around the children’s playground because they can’t reach a decent clean washroom in time, how healthy is that?!!

Also add in the soccer players who are there everyday from Spring to Fall, plus the school kids from St. Mary’s during the day. That is a huge number of young people and often their parents who should have a decent washroom available to them, simply from a health point of view. I saw the girls’ washroom, I dread to imagine what the boys’ washroom looked like. I think the Parks Department should be utterly ashamed at leaving them in this state and a Health and Safety Inspector should be right there condemning the washrooms and mandating a complete renovation and then ensuring they are kept regularly maintained.

I would appreciate both these issues being raised at the meeting, I have a feeling I am not the only one with these concerns about our park.

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Content last modified on February 04, 2019, at 10:11 PM EST