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June 1, 2021

I guess the most important notice is this: "According to the Swedish Public Health Agency's scenarios, the spread of covid-19 is expected to end in early autumn 2021.” Let’s hope! This seems like a bold statement considering it is a seasonal virus, but they are saying they do not expect a widespread resurgence, just manageable isolated outbreaks.

The following changes were made June 1st, and if the burden on the health care system continues to lighten (highly likely, you see the numbers), everything will be lifted a bit later this summer:

Children and adults can participate in camp activities, cups, matches and competitions on a smaller scale.

Sports competitions can be carried out, with a maximum of 150 athletes participating at the same time.

Amusement parks and markets can open; infection control measures are the responsibility of the operator.

Increased capacity allowances for religious, cultural and sporting events - 50 participants if assigned a seat. For outdoor events, a maximum of 100 participants without a seat, 500 with seating.

Restaurants are open until 22.30 (indoor and outdoor).

When it comes to parties, dinners and other private social gatherings with people outside even a small circle, the Public Health Agency still advises against it. Rental of premises for private parties with more than 8 people is still not allowed (Deb: doesn’t this seem out of sync? Better to meet your friends at an outdoor cultural event for 100 people!)

Since life within Sweden has been fairly open during the pandemic, the bigger issue for us is the borders. Border restrictions have been less about public health measures (Tegnell has been against closures) than political football - ie, the Danes close their border to Swedes, so Swedes have to retaliate. So the good news June 1st is that advice against “unnecessary travel” has been lifted for EU countries and UK, as have any recommendations to do extra tests and isolate on arrival in Sweden. This does not mean that PCR tests or vaccine status are not required between countries, but hopefully these fall away soon? Those PCR tests are bloody expensive, and as even the Public Health Authority says, no indication of an active case. Interestingly Sweden requires PCR tests of foreign nationals arriving in Sweden and does not make exception for vaccine status as do some other EU countries.

How is life for us? Our family feels like the pandemic is basically over (except for travel restrictions). My kids are out a lot with their friends, my husband goes into the office, I am happy to meet with anyone, anytime (and always have been). We have two social events this weekend and a friend and I are happily going to the movies next week. But there is an overhang of worry generally, my husband feels it at his office - a senior partner got covid and is at home, the wife of a young colleague got sick. My husband and I still see a surprising number of youngish people wearing masks (on the street, very strange here), his theory is that being so close to getting a vaccine they don’t want to risk it. I would question this but a friend said this was her husband’s thinking.

There is a Public Health Authority press conference tomorrow - I will report back any interesting stuff. Tegnell is keeping a low profile these days, hmmm. Next up is whether Sweden recommends vaccines for under 18. I’m guessing no, except kids with health issues. But I have been surprised by so much during this pandemic.

Content last modified on June 04, 2021, at 11:30 AM EST