Centre For Local Research into Public Space (CELOS)

See also Site Map

Citizen-Z Cavan Young's 2004 film about the zamboni crisis





Kinder Garden. Teacher: Michele Rose

places to grow at Dufferin Grove Park

I'm an experienced Early Childhood Educator, offering a program for a small group of 4 and 5 year olds. We will be doing gardening, painting with watercolours, and yoga games. We'll get some math, literacy and science in there too!

I've got room for one or two more children. Please email me directly for more information: niffimi@gmail.com

At the Dufferin Grove Children's Garden

9-11 am
Mon Aug.24-Thurs.Aug 27
Mon Aug.31-Sept.3

$125.00/ week (4 days)


More sessions starting in September for home schooling families.

Garden story:

Michael (aged 4) and I (somewhat older), met under the cherry tree on Thursday. We went through the garden gate with our magnifiers and a purpose. We wanted to find out who was munching on the tender greens, and leaving them looking so lacy. We went to the patch where the radishes grow, and turned over some leaves. Not a critter in sight! We did find some evidence though! A tiny clutch of orange eggs on the underside of a bok choy leaf. I asked Michael if we should remove the eggs, so the hatchlings don't keep eating our Greens. He took a moment to consider, and then he said, "I think a caterpillar has been eating these leaves. We need to keep the pollinators. Because without them none of our food will grow."


documenting what we see

flower power

food for thought (earth soup)

Content last modified on August 20, 2020, at 02:23 PM EST