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June 5, 2009, 3 e-mails

N. A. wrote:


I just got a door-to-door visit from some GO representatives asking for my own person comments on the piledriving situation.

While I would like to think that this is a good-will gesture, it's probably not. It seems more likely that they are gathering their own data in prep for talks with the CTA, and to possibly undermine the authority of the leadership group by putting their demands in question.

So I'd be careful about what you say. They've played this game before with comments like "our own research shows the community just wants us to get this over with as soon as possible."

Just a heads-up…

SRA wrote:

Thanks, N. for alerting everyone.

I think we're right to suspect their motives -- they haven't demonstrated corporate good citizenship so far -- no reason to expect they're going to start now.

It's good to be aware that they can phrase questions and record answers in a way that skews meaning.

Sort of like getting asked if you've stopped kicking your dog. There's no yes/no way to answer that question to tell your truth -- that you've never kicked your dog.

From: Glenn Sernyk

This is my (hopefully not too paranoid) take on where we are:

i) GO will refuse to recognize all of us as a legitimate community movement. They will take that forward to the CTA. It will be based on “research” that is of the “have you stopped kicking your dog” sort that Sharon outlined.

If their summer interns come to your door, the best thing to do is tell them to go away; tell them this will now be solved in Ottawa.

ii) GO’s position at the CTA will be that the problem is 100% technical in nature, is not solvable by anything they can do and should therefore be dismissed so they can just get on with it. That may explain the bit about “technical problems” in their most recent neighbourhood hand out.

iii) if GO is successful at CTA, look for a “mercy notice” to arrive very shortly thereafter that will say to the neighbourhood that to expedite the process and get everything done ASAP, they will bring in at least 3 more diesel hammers and will work to the extent legally allowed, 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM every day but Sunday. They will not use noise abatement at that point, as that just slows them down. They will tell us that it’s for our own good.

iv) I fully expect that someone in Ottawa/Queen’s Park will pick up the phone and say to the key CTA people something like “do you like your (~$150,000/year) job? We really need to get rid of this complaint from these so-called neighbourhood representatives in Toronto. Please let me know when it’s done so I can put out a press release. Thanks.”

We’re entering the meat grinder now. Don’t think for a moment that, with the exception of our complaint, anything honest will take place from this time forth. We will get a really clean, clear look at how our well-paid, top level elected representatives (Federal Cabinet and the current Liberal Provincial Ministers) and their equally well- paid GO minions actually regard us.

I remember very clearly reading about a Conservative MP in Mulroney’s day saying “The Canadian public? I believe that’s what we fly over when we go from St. Johns to Victoria”.

Fortunately, we have strong representation in H/P Parkdale from Cheri and Gerard. They know us and believe in our task and the work that we have done to date.

On the Davenport side, you have to wake these guys up. Now that things have gone to Ottawa, MP Silva and MP Kennedy have to be singing in stereo to make sure that the GO tactics don’t work and that we get an honest assessment.

Given the concerns and support of the people we have met at the meetings and the commitment of our Leaders Group, I remain optimistic. The West Diamond Leaders Group looks forward to the battle ahead.


Glenn Sernyk

West Diamond Leaders Group

Content last modified on June 13, 2009, at 02:57 PM EST