Centre For Local Research into Public Space (CELOS)

See also Site Map

Citizen-Z Cavan Young's 2004 film about the zamboni crisis





CELOS Profit & Loss 2012

Note: this is the year when city management took over the running of the park, including the accounting. CELOS transferred income monthly until August 5, after that all records went directly into S.A.P.


Total eligible amounts of all gifts for which the charity issued tax receipts: $13,200

Total revenue received from provincial or federal governments: $25,000

Total non-tax-receipted revenue from fundraising: $121,641 (mainly from food donations)

Total revenue: $159,841


Transportation: $360

Bank charges: $319

Office supplies and expenses: $2118

Professional and Consulting Fees: $93,978 (practical and theoretical research)

Purchased supplies and assets: $77,384 (mainly groceries)

Total expenditures: $174,159

CRA Summary:

Total expenditures on charitable activities: $159,222

Total expenditures on management and administration: $14,937

Total expenditures: $174,159

Net income: ( -$14,318)*

  • Balanced by surpluses in 2011 and 2013

Content last modified on March 06, 2017, at 12:18 PM EST