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Toronto Public Health Covid 19 summaries, January 2021

No reporting after New Year's until Jan.4 (Jan 3 data).

Jan.4, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.3, 63,946 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 974.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 366. The previous report (Jan.1) was 355. TPH says this is an increase of 12. (Of these, in ICU: 98. Jan.1: 96. Intubated: 61. Jan.1: 62.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM, wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 1970 -- listed as a 9-person increase from Jan.2.

Jan.5, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.4, 64,725 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 832.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 376. The previous report was 366. TPH says this is an increase of 31. (Of these, in ICU: 96. Previous: 98. Intubated: 58. Previous: 61.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM, wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 1984 -- listed as a 14-person increase from previous day.

Jan.6, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.5, 65,521 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 837.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 406. The previous report was 376. TPH says this is an increase of 49. (Of these, in ICU: 89. Previous: 96. Intubated: 66. Previous: 58.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM, wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 1988 -- listed as a 5-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 1984

Jan.7, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.6, 66,417 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 941.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 392. The previous report was 406. TPH says this is an increase of 37. (Of these, in ICU: 90. Previous: 89. Intubated: 63. Previous: 66.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM, wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2017 -- listed as a 29-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 1988

Jan.8, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.7, 67,840 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 1442.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 433. The previous report was 392. TPH says this is an increase of 71. (Of these, in ICU: 97. Previous: 90. Intubated: 68. Previous: 63.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM, wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2019 -- listed as a 2-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2017

Jan.9, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.8, 68,953 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 1155.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 416. The previous report was 433. TPH says this is an increase of 34. (Of these, in ICU: 103. Previous: 97. Intubated: 68. Previous: 68.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM, wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2033 -- listed as a 15-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2019

Jan.10, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.9, 70,127 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 1224.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 426. The previous report was 416. TPH says this is an increase of 30. (Of these, in ICU: 114. Previous: 105. Intubated: 75. Previous: 68.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2050 -- listed as a 17-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2033

Jan.11, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.10, 71,078 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 978.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 433. The previous report was 426. TPH says this is an increase of 53. (Of these, in ICU: 115. Previous: 114. Intubated: 77. Previous: 75.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2064 -- listed as a 14-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2050

Jan.12, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.11, 71,923 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 879.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 457. The previous report was 433. TPH says this is an increase of 51. (Of these, in ICU: 115. Previous: 115. Intubated: 78. Previous: 77.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2075 -- listed as a 11-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2064

Jan.13, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.12, 72,679 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 789.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 421. The previous report was 457. TPH says this is an increase [sic] of 13. (Of these, in ICU: 108. Previous: 115. Intubated: 73. Previous: 78.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2098 -- listed as a 23-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2075

Jan.14, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.13, 73,675 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 1035.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 466. The previous report was 421. TPH says this is an increase of 71. (Of these, in ICU: 94. Previous: 108. Intubated: 66. Previous: 73.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2126 -- listed as a 28-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2098

Jan.15, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.14, 74,476 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 852.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 471. The previous report was 466. TPH says this is an increase of 58. (Of these, in ICU: 94. Previous: 94. Intubated: 65. Previous: 66.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2139 -- listed as a 13-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2126

Jan.16, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.15, 75,408 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 975.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 511. The previous report was 471. TPH says this is an increase of 50. (Of these, in ICU: 101. Previous: 94. Intubated: 65. Previous: 65.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2164 -- listed as a 25-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2139

Jan.17, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.16, 76,467 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 1097.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 472. The previous report was 511. TPH says this is an increase of 66. (Of these, in ICU: 109. Previous: 101. Intubated: 73. Previous: 65.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2204 -- listed as a 40-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2164

Jan.18, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.17, 77,327 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 892.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 491. The previous report was 472. TPH says this is an increase of 25. (Of these, in ICU: 113. Previous: 109. Intubated: 76. Previous: 73.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2206 -- listed as a 2-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2204

Jan.19, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.18, 77,872 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 583.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 507. The previous report was 491. TPH says this is an increase of 19. (Of these, in ICU: 115. Previous: 113. Intubated: 77. Previous: 76.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2211 -- listed as a 5-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2206

Jan.20, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.19, 78,819 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 981.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 484. The previous report was 507. TPH says this is an increase of 31. (Of these, in ICU: 112. Previous: 115. Intubated: 76. Previous: 77.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2246 -- listed as a 35-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2211

Jan.21, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.20, 79,767 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 986.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 474. The previous report was 484. TPH says this is an increase [sic] of 44. (Of these, in ICU: 116. Previous: 112. Intubated: 74. Previous: 76.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2255 -- listed as a 10-person [sic] increase from previous day. Previous day: 2246

Jan.22, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.21, 80,541 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 831.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 504. The previous report was 474. TPH says this is an increase of 64. (Of these, in ICU: 114. Previous: 116. Intubated: 82. Previous: 74.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2276 -- listed as a 21-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2255

Jan.23, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.22, 81,255 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 767.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 500. The previous report was 504. TPH says this is an increase of 51. (Of these, in ICU: 110. Previous: 114. Intubated: 84. Previous: 82.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2290 -- listed as a 14-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2276

Jan.24, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.23, 82,056 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 841.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 521. The previous report was 500. TPH says this is an increase of 76. (Of these, in ICU: 117. Previous: 110. Intubated: 83. Previous: 84.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2310 -- listed as a 20-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2290

Jan.25, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.24, 82,790 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 767.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 508. The previous report was 521. TPH says this is an increase of 13. (Of these, in ICU: 115. Previous: 117. Intubated: 82. Previous: 83.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2324 -- listed as a 15-person [sic] increase from previous day. Previous day: 2310

Jan.26, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.25, 83,474 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 745.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 490. The previous report was 508. TPH says this is an increase of 6. (Of these, in ICU: 112. Previous: 115. Intubated: 80. Previous: 82.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2330 -- listed as a 6-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2324

Jan.27, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.26, 83,935 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 502.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 520. The previous report was 490. TPH says this is an increase of 41. (Of these, in ICU: 114. Previous: 112. Intubated: 80. Previous: 80.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2341 -- listed as a 11-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2330

Jan.28, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.27, 84,653 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 765.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 497. The previous report was 520. TPH says this is an increase of 46. (Of these, in ICU: 108. Previous: 114. Intubated: 79. Previous: 80.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2355 -- listed as a 14-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2341

Jan.29, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.28, 85,260 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 650.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 473. The previous report was 497. TPH says this is an increase of 19. (Of these, in ICU: 109. Previous: 108. Intubated: 79. Previous: 79.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2375 -- listed as a 20-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2355

Jan.30, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.29, 85,983 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 773.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 410. The previous report was 473. TPH says this is an increase of 15. (Of these, in ICU: 99. Previous: 109. Intubated: 73. Previous: 79.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2402 -- listed as a 27-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2375

Jan.31, 2021

As of 2 p.m. on Jan.30, 86,740 positive COVID-19 tests in Toronto have been reported to Toronto Public Health since yesterday. TPH says it's an increase of 817.

Number of people currently hospitalized: 431. The previous report was 410. TPH says this is an increase of 63. (Of these, in ICU: 109. Previous: 99. Intubated: 81. Previous: 73.)

I asked about the puzzling math in this section, and the city's COVID RESPONSE TEAM wrote back:

The numbers reflect new hospitalizations day-to-day and the current numbers of people hospitalized. The difference between the numbers means that those persons [from the previous day] are no longer occupying a hospital bed.

So perhaps it means that some patients were discharged and some died and some others were admitted.

Number of deaths: 2416 -- listed as a 14-person increase from previous day. Previous day: 2402

Content last modified on February 01, 2021, at 09:37 PM EST